Thursday, October 05, 2006


The Clifton - A Bear's Eye View

Picured the Mayor fills his boots at the Clifton

Ding ding - seconds away round one ......

Whilst not the best curry I've ever eaten, if all of the places we visit are at this standard then I think we will be well served by following the wisdom of the new guru in our life, namely Derek.

The food bit
The grub wasn't just standard Brick Lane slop and each dish had a deeper than average flavour. I think that the use of the word twist in their marketing is a bit of a fancy way of saying they put some spices in their food but never let the truth get in the way of a good story. Suffice to say, I ate all that was put in front of me but that doesn't really tell you much you couldn't have guessed ....

The evening
Talking of not letting the truth get in the way of a good story we were saddened to learn of poor Derek's deportation and speculation as to its reasons was rife. Coming up with a quality curry list should have fast-tracked him for citizenship but they do say that imiigration rules are seldom fair. Other than this sad news we had a very strandard night of wibble, beer and curry with the added fun of taking the piss out of Nigel and his forthcoming marriage. If the venue for the wedding continues to be hard to pin down, we may be enjoying the sight of Pam and Nige saying "I do" in the winner of this curry tasting fest - so lets hope we find a spectacular one with room for a piano.

The place
Its got a room you sit in to eat and one where they cook the food - what more do you want ? (apart from the pot to piss in which when they designed it they tyook the American "can" expression a little too literally.)

The morning after the night before
This section will be called the Bungle test from now on and I'm happy to say that the curry rated a zero bruise mark with both quantity and quality of dawn chorus within acceptable parameters - although I should point out that she has always been very forgiving in this area. I doubt I shall escape unharmed in the next few months but there should always be some suffering involved in an epic quest such as ours.

Looking forward to the next evening, although I've already lost the list Nige gave me so I may be off the team - Is this quicker and even more hopeless than when we lost the pub crawl book I wonder ?

Poor Bungle reduced to testing acceptable parameters - a tough job but someone has to do it.
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